Magical Order founded in 1907 by Aleister Crowley and George Cecil Jones
The A∴A∴ is a magical organization/order described in 1907 by occultist Aleister Crowley. Members of the order are said to be dedicated to the advancement of humanity by perfection of the individual on every plane through a graded series of syncretic, universal initiations unifying the essence of Theravada Buddhism, Vedantic yoga, Thelema, and ceremonial magic. They apply mystical and magical methods of spiritual attainment through the structure of the Qabalistic Tree of Life, and aim to research, practice, and teach what they refer to as “scientific illuminism”, a method of spiritual attainment and transcendence, called the Great Work, through physical and spiritual practice and devotion. A∴A∴ is often held to stand for Argenteum Astrum, which is Latin for Silver Star, however this is often disputed (see Name section below).
The principal holy book of the A∴A∴ is the book Crowley called Liber Legis or The Book of the Law, technically called Liber AL vel Legis sub figura CCXX as delivered by 93=418 to DCLXVI, the central sacred text of Thelema. There are several other holy books venerated in A∴A∴, which comprise what is called the Class A and AB material by the order.
Like several other similar magickal orders such as the Golden Dawn, the A∴A∴ is composed of and outer and inner order, known in the A∴A∴ as the inner and outer college. The outer college in its modern form was formulated in 1907 by Aleister Crowley and George Cecil Jones, claiming authority from Aiwass (the entity who gave Crowley The Book of the Law) and other Secret Chiefs of the planetary spiritual order to form the A∴A∴ after the schism in and subsequent collapse of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn at the turn of the Twentieth century.
In 1919 the O.T.O. stated that it considered itself to be a “close ally” of the A∴A∴, with both organisations having accepted the authority of The Book of the Law. However, the O.T.O. in no way participates in the A∴A∴’s strictly hierarchic and spiritual initiatory program, nor does O.T.O. represent the A∴A∴. or transmit its functions or authority.
The classic account of A∴A∴ is Karl Von Eckharthausen’s The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary, re-issued by the A∴A∴ as Liber XXXIII.
The A∴A∴ claims to have been present in all societies and epochs, although not necessarily under that name, but this is likely alleghorical and does not truly represent the current order, which was formed in 1907 in this current form.
After Crowley
Following Crowley’s death in 1947, his student Karl Germer took over running the outer college of the order, but since Germer’s death the situation has been less clear. Various lineages of the A∴A∴ survive today that claim to be descended from Crowley, though the validity of some of these lineages are very much in question.
One such lineage descends from Crowley’s student, actress Jane Wolfe (known as Soror Estai). Soror Estai’s student Phyllis Seckler (Soror Meral) founded College of Thelema in 1973 and, with James A. Eshelman and Anna-Kria King, founded Temple of Thelema in 1987. She designated Eshelman as her successor in the Jane Wolfe branch of A∴A∴ and as chancellor of College of Thelema. Later, she also affirmed David Shoemaker’s authority to “admit, supervise, and train” A∴A∴ initiates.
Several lineages run through pupils of Marcelo Ramos Motta, though these lineages have been widely doubted due to Motta’s attempts to illegally take control of Thelema related orders, and his limited connection to the actual A∴A∴. Another lineage links itself to Crowley through Israel Regardie and his pupil Gerald Suster. Other lineages run through Grady McMurtry and Charles Stansfeld Jones.
Over the years there have been more lineages, copies, and various incarnations of the A∴A∴ that have popped up claiming to be the real A∴A∴ that have been fraudulant versions created by people trying to con others for various reasons. This has been more prevalent over the last two decades as the popularity of the internet has grown, allowing people to create a website calling itself the A∴A∴.
Thought the accepted name of the A∴A∴ being the Latin name Argentium Astrum, meaning Silver Star, has frequently been asserted as the true name of the Order, the actual name of the order and the meaning of the acronym A∴A∴ is something that has been widely speculated on and disputed by various people and even some of the lineages. While some of the lineages have claimed the validity of various forms of the name, no single verified version of the name has ever been confirmed as the original as intended by Aleister Crowley. They have all been speculation based on given information.
According to James Eshelman the Latin translation of the phrase “silver star” is not the correct name of the A∴A∴, and the true name of the Order as the Greek Άστρον Αργόν, transliterated as Astron Argon. The gematria of this name enumerates to 451, which is the value of the Greek words Konx Om Pax, an important phrase interpreted by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn as meaning “Light in Extension”. He has also pointed out that 451 corresponds to the Hebrew phrase Eth ha-Adam meaning “The Essence of Humanity”. Eshelman stated that due to Crowley’s use of the phrase “Astron Argon” (once in a note and once in an official document in Crowley’s handwriting) that the latter is to be taken as the true Greek name.
A variant on the Greek rendering of the words for “Silver Star” is Aster Argos, the gematria of which is 489, the value of Sothis, the Greek name for the star Sirius. According to Eshelman “Sirius commonly is held to be the physical expression of that “Silver Star” after which the Order is named.”
Eshelman has also stated that “Were we not otherwise informed, we might suspect that these initials refer to the Arcanum Arcanorum (‘Secret of Secrets’), which is to be found within the Sanctum Sanctorum (‘Holy of Holies’). In fact, the initials have a different meaning.”
Some members of the A∴A∴ have even been given to calling the order Angel and Abyss, though Eshelman explains that this as an ‘affectionate’ meaning for the Order’s name, not the actual name. It refers to the work of the initiate in working with the Holy Guardian Angel and with the work of aspiring to cross the Abyss.
Possibly one of the most compelling takes on the name of the A∴A∴ is found in the fictional novel trilogy The Illuminatus! by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea, in which is asserted that A∴A∴ is the entire name of the order. They argue in the series that the name is a trap for debunking anyone who falsely claimed membership or lineage, as any ascribed meaning they would offer would be known by actual members to be incorrect. Whether Wilson and Shea meant this as a serious proposal outside of the novel is unclear.
Initiatory structure
Further information: Great Work (Thelema)
The initiatory structure of A∴A∴ is based on the Qabalistic Tree Of Life similar to that of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, with the grades following the sephirot up the tree in reverse order starting with malkuth. The A∴A∴ is also sub-divided into three orders similar to that of the O.T.O: The S.S., being the governing body (Third Order) and comprising those grades that are above the Abyss; The R.R. et A.C. (Second Order), comprising those degrees that are below the Abyss but above the Veil of Paroketh; and The Golden Dawn (First Order), comprising the grades below the Veil of Paroketh. A complete description of the tasks of the First Order is given in Liber XIII vel Graduum Montis Abiegni: a syllabus of the steps upon path, in The Equinox Volume 1.
Two additional “grades”, the Dwellers on the Thresholds, link the orders: Dominus Limnis in Paroketh, and Babe of the Abyss in the Abyss.
Members of the Third Order may generate their own variations of the First and Second Order teachings as reflections of their own understanding and wisdom, contemplating systems of attainment not compassed in the curriculum of the main system.
A student’s business is to acquire a general intellectual knowledge of all systems of attainment, as declared in the prescribed books. At the end of a fixed period, the Student takes a written examination to test his reading, after which he passes through a small ritual involving the reading of the History Lection (Liber LXI), and passes to the grade of Probationer.
The Order of the G∴D∴ (Golden Dawn)
(0°=0□): The Probationer’s principal business is to begin such practices as he or she may prefer, and to write a careful record of the same for at least one year.
(1°=10□): The Neophyte initiate has to acquire perfect control of the astral plane. This grade corresponds to the sephiroth of Malkuth on the Qabalistic Tree of Life.
(2°=9□): The Zelator’s main work is to achieve complete success in asana and pranayama. The Zelator also begins to study the formula of the Rose Cross. This grade corresponds to the sephiroth of Yesod on the Qabalistic Tree of Life.
(3°=8□): A Practicus is expected to complete the intellectual training, and in particular to study Qabalah. This grade corresponds to the sephiroth of Hod on the Qabalistic Tree of Life.
(4°=7□): The Philosophus is expected to complete the moral training and is tested in Devotion to the Order. This grade corresponds to the sephiroth of Netzach on the Qabalistic Tree of Life.
Dominus Liminis
(Dweller on the Threshold): The Dominus Liminis is expected to show mastery of pratyahara and dharana. This grade is the linking grade prior to crossing the Veil of Paroketh on the Qabalistic Tree of Life.
The Order of the R∴C∴ (Rosy Cross)
Adeptus Minor (Without)
Further information:Holy Guardian Angel(Thelema)
(5°=6□): Lesser Adept (Without). Corresponding to the crossing of the Veil of Paroketh on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. The Adeptus Minor (Without) is expected to perform the Great Work and to attain the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. In the system of the A∴A∴ magical order, the single most important goal is to consciously connect with one’s HGA and, by doing so, the magician becomes fully aware of their own True Will. For Crowley, this event was the single most important goal of any adept:
“It should never be forgotten for a single moment that the central and essential work of the Magician is the attainment of the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. Once he has achieved this he must of course be left entirely in the hands of that Angel, who can be invariably and inevitably relied upon to lead him to the further great step—crossing of the Abyss and the attainment of the grade of Master of the Temple.” Aleister Crowley, Magick Without Tears.
Adeptus Minor (Within)
(5°=6□): Lesser Adept (Within). The Adeptus Minor (Within) is admitted to the practice of the formula of the Rosy Cross on entering the College of the Holy Ghost after completing the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. This grade corresponds to the sephiroth of Tiphareth on the Qabalistic Tree of Life.
Adeptus Major
(6°=5□): Greater Adept. An Adeptus Major obtains a general mastery of practical Magick, though without comprehension. This grade corresponds to the sephiroth of Geburah on the Qabalistic Tree of Life.
Adeptus Exemptus
Further information: Abyss(Thelema)
(7°=4□): Exempt Adept. After the initiate attains Knowledge and Conversation with the Holy Guardian Angel and perfects all of the matters of the previous grades, the adept may attempt the crossing of the Abyss. According to Thelema and Crowley, the abyss is the great void or spiritual wilderness between the world of manifestation and its noumenal source, which must be crossed to attain true mastery. This grade corresponds to the sephiroth of Chessed on the Qabalistic Tree of Life, prior to entering the Abyss
The Order of the S∴S∴ (Silver Star)
Magister Templi
Further information: Great Work (Thelema) § City of the Pyramid and the Night of Pan
(8°=3□): If the adept successfully crosses the Abyss, they then become the Babe of the Abyss and are reborn as a Master and a Saint that dwells in the City of the Pyramids, becoming a Master of the Temple (Magister Templi). The principal business of this grade is to obtain a perfect understanding of the Universe. The Magister Templi is pre-eminently a Master of Mysticism, an understanding that is free from internal contradiction or external obscurity; their Work is to comprehend the existing Universe. This grade corresponds to Binah on the Qabalistic Tree of Life.
(9°=2□): The Magus seeks to attain Wisdom by entering the sephiroth of Chokmah on the Qabalistic Tree of Life to which this grade corresponds, and is considered to be Master of all Magick in its greatest and highest sense. Their will is entirely free from internal diversion or external opposition. In Magick Without Tears, Crowley suggests (without actually saying so) that the Secret Chiefs of the A∴A∴ have reached at least the rank of Magus, in some sense.
(10°=1□): The state of Ipsissimus is the very highest grade possible, beyond the comprehension of the lower degrees. An Ipsissimus is free from limitations and necessity and lives in perfect balance with the manifest universe. Essentially, it is the highest mode of attainment in the A∴A∴. This grade corresponds to Kether on the Tree of Life. Ipsissimus is quite hard to translate directly from Latin to English, but it is essentially the superlative of “self,” translating rather approximately to “His most Selfness,” or “self-est.”
Crowley named as a condition of this grade the trance Nirodha-samapatti, which reduces heartbeat and other life functions to the bare minimum. Theravada Buddhist monks traditionally attain nirodha-samapatti by producing the aforementioned Formless States one after the other, and perceiving in each what they call the Three Characteristics of all existence: sorrow or tendency towards sorrow, change or unreliability, and insubstantiality or lack of self. Crowley and the A∴A∴ however seek to replace this threefold concept of existence with the quest for balance as both a motive for discipline and the means of achieving their end goal. In Liber B vel Magi they urge the Magus seeking further progress to identify the Buddhist Three Characteristics with the opposite states. “Wherein Sorrow is Joy, and Change is Stability, and Selflessness is Self.” Crowley’s version of nirodha includes “seeing first the truth and then the falsity of the Three Characteristics” according to his published theory.
Members of the First Order of A∴A∴ (Golden Dawn) and Dominus Liminis are sworn to openly declare everywhere their connection with A∴A∴ (Liber CLXXXV). Adepts, however, are expected to work in silence, whereas Magi are required to declare “their Law”. The Ipsissimi, who “existeth without form”, the highest initiates manifest on this plane, are sworn to silence as to their attainment to this degree (Liber B vel Magi, One Star in Sight).
In A∴A∴ members officially only know those directly above and below in the chain of instruction. Members are expected to work alone, consulting as needed with their superior in the Order. In this way the founders of the system hoped to avoid the many political problems that allegedly brought about the downfall of the predecessor organisation, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The A∴A∴ is an organisation focused on enlightenment of the individual, with a strong emphasis on maintaining the chain of initiation from teacher to student, and devoting all of one’s attainments to those individuals below them (One Star in Sight).
All members of the A∴A∴ at some point, are expected to perform two central tasks:
The Task of the grade of Adeptus Minor, the first grade of the Middle Order, being the attainment of the experience known as “the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel”, the attainment of which is the central theme of the order’s official instructions.
The experience of the passage through the Abyss, resulting in the attainment of the grade of Magister Templi, the first grade in the Third Order.
Any person whosoever may swear the Oath of the Master of the Temple of A∴A∴ and be admitted into the Opening of the Grade of Magister Templi and the Order of the S∴S∴ the opening of which is the passage through the Abyss.
It is the strict and inviolable rule of the Order that members of A∴A∴ never accept payment or other consideration for initiation or other services, on pain of irredeemable expulsion.
See Also:
- Magical Organization
- Ordo Templi Orientis
- Thelema
- Great Work (Thelema)